Book Chapters Big Data & Data Mining Review Papers review-papers-BigData Publications Papers

Emrouznejad, A., M. Marra (2017) Big data: Who, what and where? Social, cognitive and journals map of big data publication, in A. Emrouznejad (ed.), Big Data Optimization: Recent Developments and Challenges, Studies in Big Data 17

Emrouznejad, A., M. Marra (2017) Big data: Who, what and where? Social, cognitive and journals map of big data publication, in A. Emrouznejad (ed.), Big Data Optimization: Recent Developments and Challenges, Studies in Big Data 17, (doi)

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  1. Abstract
    Contemporary research in various disciplines from social science to computer science, mathematics and physics, is characterized by the availability of large amounts of data. These large amounts of data present various challenges, one of the most intriguing of which deals with knowledge discovery and large-scale data-mining. This chapter investigates the research areas that are the most influenced by big data availability, and on which aspects of large data handling different scientific communities are working. We employ scientometric mapping techniques to identify who works on what in the area of big data and large scale optimization problems.

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