DEA Publications Papers Healthcare Book Chapters

Masiye F., C. Mphuka and A. Emrouznejad (2014).  Estimating the efficiency of healthcare facilities providing HIV/AIDS treatment in Zambia: a data envelopment approach, Chapter 4 in International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Volume 215: 55-66 Springer-Verlag

Masiye F., C. Mphuka and A. Emrouznejad (2014).  Estimating the efficiency of healthcare facilities providing HIV/AIDS treatment in Zambia: a data envelopment approach, Chapter 4 in International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Volume 215: 55-66 Springer-Verlag. (doi)

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  1. Abstract
    Zambia and many other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa face a key challenge of sustaining high levels of coverage of AIDS treatment under prospects of dwindling global resources for HIV/AIDS treatment. Policy debate in HIV/AIDS is increasingly paying more focus to efficiency in the use of available resources. In this chapter, we apply Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate short term technical efficiency of 34 HIV/AIDS treatment facilities in Zambia. The data consists of input variables such as human resources, medical equipment, building space, drugs, medical supplies, and other materials used in providing HIV/AIDS treatment. Two main outputs namely, numbers of ART-years (Anti-Retroviral Therapy-years) and pre-ART-years are included in the model. Results show the mean technical efficiency score to be 83 %, with great variability in efficiency scores across the facilities. Scale inefficiency is also shown to be significant. About half of the facilities were on the efficiency frontier. We also construct bootstrap confidence intervals around the efficiency scores.

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