
Review the entire supply chain for BFC and using the extensive data available from Farm to Customer funded by Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)

(2022). Review the entire supply chain for BFC and using the extensive data available from Farm to Customer funded by Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) , UK. (PI ). This 24-month project will review the entire supply chain for BFC and using the extensive data available from Farm to Customer to improve: Efficiency of the processes, […]


Building Resilience and Enhancing Sustainability Performance in SMEs by tackling Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing issues: Recovering Productivity and Renewing Strategies

(2021). Building Resilience and Enhancing Sustainability Performance in SMEs by tackling Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing issues: Recovering Productivity and Renewing Strategies [Funded by ESRCl], in collaboration with France, Finland, and Canada, UK. (CI – under preparation)


Low Carbon SMEs Project

(2018). Low Carbon SMEs Project: Low carbon SMEs provide free, expert energy efficiency support and advice to SMEs in the Black Country, Greater Birmingham and Solihull [Funded by European Regional Development Fund], in collaboration with Midlands Engine, UK. (CI – memeber of the team)


Developing knowledge on the dynamic and complex interaction of medium and long-term societal effects of COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs through sustainable transformative strategies, which will focus on reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities; building a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable society

(2021). Developing knowledge on the dynamic and complex interaction of medium and long-term societal effects of COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs through sustainable transformative strategies, which will focus on reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities; building a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable society [Funded by Midland innovation], in collaboration with Keele University, Loughborough University and Birmingham University, UK. […]