Editorial Board of Journals Journal Editor

IJSSS (International Journal of Society Systems Science)

2008 – 2016 Member of Editorial Board of IJSSS (International Journal of Society Systems Science). IJSSS addresses the barriers between: social and natural sciences, theory and applications, hard decision models and soft ones, different business disciplines, government and industry, ivory tower and real society. The Inderscience publisher. (doi)

Editorial Board of Journals Journal Editor

EJDP (EURO Journal on Decision Processes)

2012- Member of Editorial Board of EJDP (EURO Journal on Decision Processes). EJDP promotes and publishes scientific knowledge on the theoretical, methodological, behavioral and organizational topics that contribute to the understanding and appropriate use of Operational Research in supporting different phases of decision making processes, Springer publisher. (doi)

Editorial Board of Journals Journal Editor

CEREM (Central European Review of Economics and Management)

2017- Member of Editorial Board of CEREM (Central European Review of Economics and Management). CEREM focuses on state-of-the-art empirical and theoretical studies in the field of economics and management. It aims to create a platform for exchange of knowledge and ideas between research, business, governmental and other actors. Besides more traditional scientific papers, the journal […]