Survey / literature review:
Review Papers on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Emrouznejad, A., V. Podinovski, C. Lu, V. Charles, A. Moradi-Motlagh (2025) Rajiv Banker's Lasting Impact on Data Envelopment Analysis, Annals of Operations Research, Accepted: 1–20. (doi)
Emrouznejad, A., Ł. Brzezickib, and C. Lu (2025) The Development and Evolution of Slacks-Based Measure Models in Data Envelopment Analysis: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature, Journal of Economic Surveys, Accepted: 1-20. (doi) |
Mergoni, A. A. Emrouznejad, and K. De Witte (2025) Fifty years of Data Envelopment Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, Accepted: 1-25. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A., M. Marra, G. L. Yang, M. Michali (2023) Eco-efficiency considering NetZero and Data Envelopment Analysis: A critical literature review, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 34, 599–632. (doi) (Free Download) (Free download from Research Gate). |
Emrouznejad, A., G. R. Amin, M. Ghiyasi, M. Michali (2023) A Review of Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis: Origins, Development, and Future Directions, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 34 (3): 421–440. (doi) |
Moradi-Motlagh, A., and A. Emrouznejad (2022) The origins and development of statistical approaches in non-parametric frontier models: A survey of the first two decades of scholarly literature (1998-2020). Annals of Operations Research, 318: 713–741. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A., G. L. Yang, M. Khoveyni, and M. Michali (2022) Data Envelopment Analysis: Recent Developments and Challenges, In: Salhi, S., Boylan, J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Operations Research . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A., M. Tavana, A. Hatami-Marbini (2014) The State of the Art in Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis”, in Performance Measurement with Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis published in Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 309: 1:48, Springer-Verlag. (doi) |
Mahmoudi, R., A. Emrouznejad, S. N. Shetab-Boushehri, S. R. Hejazi (2020) The origins, development and future directions of Data Envelopment Analysis approach in transportation systems, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 69: 100762. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A., G. L. Yang (2018) A survey and analysis of the first 40 years of scholarly literature in DEA: 1978-2016, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 61 (1): 4-8. (doi) (supplement) |
Emrouznejad, A. and K. De Witte (2010). COOPER-framework: A unified process for non-parametric projects. European Journal of Operational Research 207(3): 1573-1586. (doi) |
Hatami-Marbini, A., A. Emrouznejad and M. Tavana (2011). A taxonomy and review of the fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis literature: Two decades in the making. European Journal of Operational Research 214(3): 457–472. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A. and K. De Witte (2010). COOPER-framework: A unified process for non-parametric projects. Tier Working Paper Series. 05(3): pp. 1-32. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A., B. R. Parker and G. Tavares (2008). Evaluation of research in efficiency and productivity: A survey and analysis of the first 30 years of scholarly literature in DEA. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 42(3): 151-157. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A., B.R. Parker, G. Tavares (2007). Investigation of research in DEA literature, Aston Business School Research Papers RP0732: pp. 1-33, Aston University, Birmingham, UK. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A. and E. Thanassoulis (1997). An extensive bibliography of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Volume III: Supplement 1, Working paper 258, Warwick Business School, Warwick University, UK. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A. and E. Thanassoulis (1996). An extensive bibliography of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Volume II: Journals papers, Working Papers 245, Warwick Business School, Warwick University, UK. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A. and E Thanassoulis (1996). An extensive bibliography of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Volume I: Working papers. Working Paper 244, Warwick Business School, Warwick University, UK. (doi) |
Review Papers on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Emrouznejad, A. and M. Marra (2017): The state of the art development of AHP (1979–2017): a literature review with a social network analysis, International Journal of Production Research 55 (22): 6653–6675. (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A. and W. Ho (2017) Analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy set theory”, in Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, 1:10, Taylor & Francis Group. (doi) |
Review Papers on Ordered Weighted Average Operator (OWA)
Emrouznejad, A. and Marianna Marra (2014), Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators 1988–2014: A citation-based literature survey, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 29:994-1014. (doi) |
Review Papers on Big Data
Charles, V., T. Gherman and A. Emrouznejad (2022) Characteristics and trends in big data for service operations management research: A blend of descriptive statistics and bibliometric analysis. In: Emrouznejad and Charles (2022). Big Data and Blockchain for Service Operations Management, Springer International Publishing. (doi) |
Rahimi I., A. Ahmadi, A. F. Zobaa, A. Emrouznejad, S. H. E. Abdel Aleem (2018) Big data optimization in electric power systems, in Zobaa et al. (eds) Classical and Recent Aspects of Power System Optimization, Elsevier (doi) |
Charles V., and Emrouznejad, A., (2018) Big Data for the Greater Good: An Introduction. In: Emrouznejad A., Charles V. (eds) Big Data for the Greater Good. Studies in Big Data, vol 42. Springer, (doi) |
Emrouznejad, A., M. Marra (2017) Big data: Who, what and where? Social, cognitive and journals map of big data publication, in A. Emrouznejad (ed.), Big Data Optimization: Recent Developments and Challenges, Studies in Big Data 17, (doi) |
Other Review Papers
Mahmoudi, R., S. Saidi, A Emrouznejad (2025) Mathematical Programming in Public Bus Transit Design and Operations: Emerging Technologies and Sustainability – A Review, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 98: 102155: 1-20. (doi) |
Charles, V., T. Gherman and A. Emrouznejad (2022) The role of composite indices in international economic diplomacy. In: Charles and Emrouznejad (2022). Modern Indices for International Economic Diplomacy, Palgrave Macmillan. (doi) |
Gandomi, A.H., A. Emrouznejad, and I. Rahimi (2020) Evolutionary Computation in Scheduling: A Scientometric Analysis. In: Gandomi et al. (2020). Evolutionary Computation in Scheduling, Wiley Publisher. (doi) |
Charles, V., A. Emrouznejad and M. P. Johnson (2020) Indices for the Betterment of the Public, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 70: 100767. (doi). |