Oukil, A., A. El-Bouri. and A. Emrouznejad (2022). Energy-aware job scheduling in a multi-objective production environment – An integrated DEA-OWA model, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 168: 108065. (doi)
Tag: ABS2
Khoshroo, A. , M. Izadikhah, A. Emrouznejad (2021) Energy efficiency and congestion considering Data Envelopment Analysis and Bounded Adjusted Measure: A case of tomato production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 328: 129639.
Khoshroo, A. , M. Izadikhah, A. Emrouznejad (2021) Energy efficiency and congestion considering Data Envelopment Analysis and Bounded Adjusted Measure: A case of tomato production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 328: 129639. (doi)
Zhi W., H. Liao and A. Emrouznejad (2021) Information representation of blockchain technology: Risk evaluation of investment by personalized quantifier with cubic spline interpolation, Information Processing & Management, 58 (4): 102571
Zhi W., H. Liao and A. Emrouznejad (2021) Information representation of blockchain technology: Risk evaluation of investment by personalized quantifier with cubic spline interpolation, Information Processing & Management, 58 (4): 102571. (doi)
Gholami, R., R. Nishant and A. Emrouznejad, (2021) Modeling Residential Energy Consumption – An Application of IT-Based Solutions and Big Data Analytics for Sustainability, Journal of Global Information Management, 29 (2): 166-193.
Gholami, R., R. Nishant and A. Emrouznejad, (2021) Modeling Residential Energy Consumption – An Application of IT-Based Solutions and Big Data Analytics for Sustainability, Journal of Global Information Management, 29 (2): 166-193. (doi)
Charles, V., A. Emrouznejad and M. P. Johnson (2020) Indices for the Betterment of the Public, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 70: 100767.
Charles, V., A. Emrouznejad and M. P. Johnson (2020) Indices for the Betterment of the Public, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 70: 100767. (doi).
Shi, X. and A. Emrouznejad, M. Jin and F. Yang (2020) A New Parallel Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Parallel Systems with Two Components based on Stackelberg Game Theory, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 19: 311–332.
Shi, X. and A. Emrouznejad, M. Jin and F. Yang (2020) A New Parallel Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Parallel Systems with Two Components based on Stackelberg Game Theory, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 19: 311–332. (doi)
Gholami, R., A. Emrouznejad, Y. Alnsour, H. B. Kartal, J. Veselova (2020) The Impact of Smart Meter Installation on Attitude Change towards Energy Consumption Behavior among Northern Ireland Households, Journal of Global Information Management, 28 (4): 21-37.
Gholami, R., A. Emrouznejad, Y. Alnsour, H. B. Kartal, J. Veselova (2020) The Impact of Smart Meter Installation on Attitude Change towards Energy Consumption Behavior among Northern Ireland Households, Journal of Global Information Management, 28 (4): 21-37. (doi)
Mahmoudi, R., A. Emrouznejad, H. Khosroshahi, M. Khashei, and P. Rajabi (2019), Performance evaluation of thermal power plants considering CO2 emission: A multistage PCA, Clustering, Game theory and Data Envelopment Analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 223 (20): 641-650.
Mahmoudi, R., A. Emrouznejad, H. Khosroshahi, M. Khashei, and P. Rajabi (2019), Performance evaluation of thermal power plants considering CO2 emission: A multistage PCA, Clustering, Game theory and Data Envelopment Analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 223 (20): 641-650. (doi)
Wanke, P., Md. A. K. Azad, A. Emrouznejad, and J. Antunes (2019). A Dynamic Network DEA Model for Accounting and Financial Indicators: A Case of Efficiency in MENA Banking. International Review of Economics & Finance, 61: 52-68.
Wanke, P., Md. A. K. Azad, A. Emrouznejad, and J. Antunes (2019). A Dynamic Network DEA Model for Accounting and Financial Indicators: A Case of Efficiency in MENA Banking. International Review of Economics & Finance, 61: 52-68. (doi)
Mahmoudi, R., A. Emrouznejad, S. N. Shetab-Boushehri, S. R. Hejazi (2020) The origins, development and future directions of Data Envelopment Analysis approach in transportation systems, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 69: 100762.
Mahmoudi, R., A. Emrouznejad, S. N. Shetab-Boushehri, S. R. Hejazi (2020) The origins, development and future directions of Data Envelopment Analysis approach in transportation systems, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 69: 100762. (doi)