review-papers-DEA DEA Invesre DEA Publications Papers Journal Papers

Emrouznejad, A., G. R. Amin, M. Ghiyasi, M. Michali (2023) A Review of Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis: Origins, Development, and Future Directions, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 34 (3): 421–440.

Emrouznejad, A., G. R. Amin, M. Ghiyasi, M. Michali (2023) A Review of Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis: Origins, Development, and Future Directions, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 34 (3): 421–440. (doi)

DEA, undesirable factor Net Zero / CO2 emission review-papers-DEA DEA Publications Papers Journal Papers

Emrouznejad, A., M. Marra, G. L. Yang, M. Michali (2023) Eco-efficiency considering NetZero and Data Envelopment Analysis: A critical literature review, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 34, 599–632.

Emrouznejad, A., M. Marra, G. L. Yang, M. Michali (2023) Eco-efficiency considering NetZero and Data Envelopment Analysis: A critical literature review, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 34, 599–632. (doi) (Free Download) (Free download from Research Gate).

Journal Papers Optimization Robust DEA Publications Papers

Hong, B., J. Liu, L. Shen, Q. Xie, J. Yuan, A. Emrouznejad, and H. Han (2023) Graph partitioning algorithms with biological connectivity decisions for neuron reconstruction in electron microscope volumes, Expert Systems with Applications, 22: 119776

Hong, B., J. Liu, L. Shen, Q. Xie, J. Yuan, A. Emrouznejad, and H. Han (2023) Graph partitioning algorithms with biological connectivity decisions for neuron reconstruction in electron microscope volumes, Expert Systems with Applications, 22: 119776. (doi)

Publications Papers Journal Papers Energy & Environment Big Data & Data Mining

Emrouznejad, A., V. Panchmati, R. Gholami, C. Rigsbee and , and H. B. Kartal (2023) Analysis of Smart Meter Data with Machine Learning for Implications Targeted towards Residents, International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities, 4 (1): 1-22.

Emrouznejad, A., V. Panchmati, R. Gholami, C. Rigsbee and , and H. B. Kartal (2023) Analysis of Smart Meter Data with Machine Learning for Implications Targeted towards Residents, International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities, 4 (1): 1-22. (doi)